Religions, Ethics, Philosophy

Results 1 - 25 sur 25

Textiles and clothing along the Silk Roads
Textiles and clothing along the Silk Roads
With the power to spark dialogue and understanding, the shared heritage of humankind is a vital tool for building trust and respect. A better knowledge of the mutual influences and legacies among...
25,00 €

Child Abuse on the Internet: Ending the Silence
Child Abuse on the Internet: Ending the Silence
Child pornography and the sexual abuse of children through misuse of the media and the Internet are complex yet closely related issues. Not only do they necessitate complex solutions, they also demand...
23,80 €

Couleur? Quelle couleur? Rapport sur la lutte contre la discrimination et le racisme dans le football
Couleur? Quelle couleur? Rapport sur la lutte contre la discrimination et le racisme dans le football
Le football a souvent été comparé à un « miroir de la société », mais cette métaphore induit en erreur. Plutôt que de refléter la société telle qu’elle est, il offre aux individus et aux groupes un...
15,00 €

Environment Ethics and international Policy
Environment Ethics and international Policy
Environmental concerns figure prominently in the work of the United Nations, and especially in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. One focus of UNESCO has to do with...
22,00 €

Higher Education for Diversity, Social Inclusion and Community
Higher Education for Diversity, Social Inclusion and Community
How does the Council of Europe put into practice its commitment to the promotion of a culture of democracy through education? Over the past decade or so, our societies have been facing increasing...
39,00 €

Intégration d'une dimension de genre dans les politiques en matière de drogues : prévention, traitement et justice pénale
Intégration d'une dimension de genre dans les politiques en matière de drogues : prévention, traitement et justice pénale
Les droits humains au cœur des politiques en matière de drogues Ce manuel vise à fournir aux décideurs et aux praticiens dans le domaine de la drogue des recommandations opérationnelles et fondées sur...
39,00 €

Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue
Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue
UNESCO World Report 2 This report analyzes all aspects of cultural diversity, which has emerged as a key concern of the international community in recent decades, and maps out new approaches to...

Les Grands Maîtres Algériens du Cha'bi et du Hawzi : Diwân arabe et kabyle
Les Grands Maîtres Algériens du Cha'bi et du Hawzi : Diwân arabe et kabyle
Le chaâbi (de l'arabe الشعبي) est un genre musical algérien, né à Alger au début du xxe siècle. Il dérive de la musique arabo-andalouse. Le hawzi est un autre genre musical qui découle de cette même...
64,00 €

Manual For developing Intercultural Competenties
Manual For developing Intercultural Competenties
Intercultural competence refers to the skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to improve interactions across difference, whether within a society or across borders. This book presents a structured...
50,00 €

Najaf, the Gate of wisdom - ARABIC edition -  النجف بوابة الحكمة
Najaf, the Gate of wisdom - ARABIC edition - النجف بوابة الحكمة
Najaf : The Gate of Wisdom is an introduction to one of the world's most sacred cities, illustrated with over 120 photographs and written by authors with first-hand experience of the city. The resting...
55,00 € 29,99 €

Najaf: Portrait of a Holy City
Najaf: Portrait of a Holy City
Najaf: Portrait of a Holy City examines the historical and social aspects of one of Iraq s most important cities, a centre of religious learning and devotion for the Shi i world since medieval times....
70,00 €

Pleins feux sur le travail de jeunesse (2020)
Pleins feux sur le travail de jeunesse (2020)
Un guide pratique de la recommandation qui inspirera et motivera de nombreuses personnes à mettre le travail de jeunesse sous les feux de la rampe et à plaider pour sa qualité et son développement, du...
19,00 €

The Qur'an manuscripts in the al-Haram al-Sharif Islamic Museum, Jerusalem
The Qur'an manuscripts in the al-Haram al-Sharif Islamic Museum, Jerusalem
Of the many ways in which Muslims through the ages have sought to express their faith, none is more impressive than that of Qur'anic calligraphy and illumination. The legacy of this elaborate art...
72,40 € 40,00 €

The Restoration of Borobudur
The Restoration of Borobudur
Added to the World Heritage List in 1991, the Borobudur Temple is a symbol of the extraordinary cultural diversity that characterizes the vast archipelago of islands that form Indonesia. This book is...
50,00 € 29,99 €

The Unesco Courier (2019_3): The ethical challenges of climate change
The Unesco Courier (2019_3): The ethical challenges of climate change
With this special report, the Courier aims to open up new avenues for reflection on these lesser-known aspects of the greatest global challenge of our times. Because, in parallel to the scientific...

UNESCO: The Seeds of Peace: UNESCO Reference Works (2nd Revised Edition)
UNESCO: The Seeds of Peace: UNESCO Reference Works (2nd Revised Edition)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has established its headquarters in a large Y-shaped building now become a landmark in the Paris urban landscape and a...
24,40 €

Volume I: The Foundations of Islam
Volume I: The Foundations of Islam
The first volume examines the fundamental concepts that have inspired Muslims: the role of worship in Muslim life; the Muslim approach to God; the Islamic view of man as a composite of divine and...
45,70 €

Volume II: The Individual and Society in Islam
Volume II: The Individual and Society in Islam
This second volume, the first of six to be published, studies fundamental values of Islam, along with the nature of rights and the responsibilities in a general context. The authors analyse the...
45,70 €

Volume III: The Spread of Islam throughout the World
Volume III: The Spread of Islam throughout the World
The third volume in the series looks at Islam from a historical and geographical angle, and describes the social and religious setting in which the Prophet Muhammad and his successors undertook to...
45,70 €

Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam - Part I: The Exact and Natural Sciences
Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam - Part I: The Exact and Natural Sciences
Research into Islamic science and technology is still in its early stages, but there is now sufficient material available for a preliminary study. Volume IV is intended to fill a gap which deserves a...
45,70 €

Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam - Part II: Technology and Applied Sciences
Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam - Part II: Technology and Applied Sciences
Research into Islamic science and technology is still in its early stages, but there is now sufficient material available for a preliminary study. Volume IV is intended to fill a gap which deserves a...
45,70 €

Volume V: Culture and Learning in Islam
Volume V: Culture and Learning in Islam
This volume aspires to cast light on some of the cultural manifestations of Islam in the spheres of language and literature, philosophy and mysticism, human sciences and art. For this task, UNESCO has...
45,70 €

Volume VI: Islam in the World Today - Part I: Retrospective of the Evolution of Islam and the Muslim World
Volume VI: Islam in the World Today - Part I: Retrospective of the Evolution of Islam and the Muslim World
The last 100 years of Islamic history are examined in the final volume, although the approach is thematic rather than historical. The period considered has seen European colonialism in most of the...
45,70 €

Volume VI: Islam in the World Today - Part II: Islam and the Muslim World Today
Volume VI: Islam in the World Today - Part II: Islam and the Muslim World Today
The last 100 years of Islamic history are examined in the final volume, although the approach is thematic rather than historical. The period considered has seen European colonialism in most of the...
45,70 €

Étude mondiale sur le respect de la vie privée sur l'internet et la liberté d'expression
Étude mondiale sur le respect de la vie privée sur l'internet et la liberté d'expression
L'UNESCO, aux termes de son Acte constitutif, promeut "la libre circulation des idées, par le mot et par l'image" et s'est engagée à faciliter la mise en place d'un espace Internet libre, ouvert et...
12,00 €