DL Services SPRL
Rue Vanderborght 24
1081 Brussels Belgium
Territories, cities, rural areas
Mosaïques du paysage - Pensées et propositions pour la mise en œuvre de la Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur le paysage
La protection, la gestion et l'aménagement des paysages impliquent des droits et des responsabilités pour chacun. La Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur le paysage a pour objet de promouvoir la...
Resilience Through Knowledge Co-Production Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Global Environmental Change
Confronted with the complex environmental crises of the Anthropocene, scientists have moved towards an interdisciplinary approach to address challenges that are both social and ecological. Several...
The Unesco Courier (2019_2): Reinventing Cities
Cities have always been centres of power, attractiveness and prosperity. But the frenetic urbanization of recent decades is jeopardizing their historical function as melting pots that integrate and...