DL Services SPRL
Rue Vanderborght 24
1081 Brussels Belgium
Water / Sea / Ocean

Bouba and Zaza respect water
The Bouba and Zaza series “Childhood Cultures”, an intergenerational African series of children's books, freely examines serious subjects. Its stories are set in contemporary African society and...

Free Flow - Reaching Water Security through Cooperation
Water is an essential resource for mankind and our ecosystems. Free Flow is a fully illustrated book with over 100 authors’ work on water management and cooperation at international, regional,...

Informe Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo de los Recursos Hídricos – 2019 – Que nadie se quede atrás
Programa Mundial de Evaluación de los Recursos Hídricos 2019 - 214 pages 9789233001084...

Ocean Science and International Cooperation Historical and personal recollections
International scientific cooperation is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge on the ocean, its condition and related sustainable development issues. This book presents the personal insight on the...

Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century
The world’s oceans are an essential source of food and other resources, as well as providing an important means of transportation, trade, and recreation. Covering more than two thirds of the Earth’s...

Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods
This comprehensive work stems from the activities of SCOR Working Group 78 (Determination of Photosynthetic Pigments in Seawater) established in 1985. It brings together in one volume all the...

Pricing Water Resources and Water and Sanitation Services
Études de l'OCDE sur l'eau L’eau est un élément essentiel à la croissance économique, à la santé humaine, à l’environnement. La gestion rationnelle des ressources en eau représente pourtant...

The Andean Glacier and Water Atlas The impact of glacier retreat on water resources
This Atlas illustrates the significant reduction in glacier mass happening throughout the Andean region. It quantifies the contribution of glaciers to drinking water supplies in cities and to...

The Ocean Economy in 2030
This report explores the growth prospects for the ocean economy, its capacity for future employment creation and innovation, and its role in addressing global challenges. Special attention is devoted...

Underwater Archaeology and Coastal Management: Focus on Alexandria
Like many coastal cities, Alexandria must deal with the problems that arise from competition and conflict over limited resources. Urban expansion or wetlands conservation, tourism development or...

Water and Peace for the People
This book proposes practical and objective solutions to the entrenched water conflicts in the Middle East. The author reveals and clarifies the complexity of the water conflicts, drawing on years of...