Human Rights

Results 1 - 18 sur 18

70 citations pour la paix / 70 Quotes for Peace
70 citations pour la paix / 70 Quotes for Peace
Conçu à l'occasion des 70 ans de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO), cet ouvrage rassemble 70 citations d'artistes, d'intellectuels, de militants, de...

A Guide to Human Rights
A Guide to Human Rights
Institutions, Standards, Procedures Edited by Janusz Symonides and Vladimir Volodin Preface by Koïchiro Matsuura Director-General of UNESCO Human Rights in Perspective series Book, 627 pages, 2nd...
14,80 €

Adolescent substance use and risk behaviours in the Mediterranean Region (Fourth MedSPAD regional report)
Adolescent substance use and risk behaviours in the Mediterranean Region (Fourth MedSPAD regional report)
How do adolescents behave in the Mediterranean in terms of substance use patterns and risk behaviours? The work of MedSPAD, the Mediterranean School Survey on Alcohol and other Drugs, attempts to...
48,00 €

Compendium de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme relative à la peine de mort et aux exécutions extrajudiciaires
Compendium de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme relative à la peine de mort et aux exécutions extrajudiciaires
Assurer le respect de l'une des valeurs fondamentales de l'humanité dans notre société par le biais de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme....
25,00 €

Eliminating corporal punishment: the way forward to constructive child discipline
Eliminating corporal punishment: the way forward to constructive child discipline
n at least 60 states, beating children with sticks, belts and other implements is still authorized in schools. This publication is a tool for those who want to prevent the widespread practice of...
16,00 €

Freedom from poverty as a human right: who owes what to the very poor?
Freedom from poverty as a human right: who owes what to the very poor?
Collected here in one volume are fifteen cutting-edge essays by leading academics which together clarify and defend the claim that freedom from poverty is a human right with corresponding binding...
22,00 €

Human Rights: Questions and Answers
Human Rights: Questions and Answers
By Leah Levin with cartoons by Plantu Human Rights in Perspective series Book, 222 pages, illustrations in black and white, endnotes, updated 6th edition (first published in 1981) Format: 21 x 14.5 cm...
18,00 €

Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region (2022)
Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region (2022)
Developing a better understanding of the meaning of human rights in drug policy When people have a history of dependence, they often experience stigmatisation and are frequently perceived as...
32,00 €

Journalism is a public good  World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development  Global Report 2021/2022
Journalism is a public good World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Global Report 2021/2022
COMING SOON Independent journalism is in peril. The rapid erosion of the business models underpinning media sustainability has deepened a crisis in the freedom and safety of journalists around the...

Migration and Human Rights
Migration and Human Rights
Edited by Paul de Guchteneire, Antoine Pécoud and Ryszard Cholewinski   The International Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights is one of the UN's main human rights treaties. It sets a standard in...
28,00 €

UNESCO: la Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l'homme: histoire, principes et application
UNESCO: la Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l'homme: histoire, principes et application
Depuis les années 70, le champ de la bioéthique s’est considérablement étendu....
26,00 €

Unfinished business: a comparative survey of historical and contemporary slavery
Unfinished business: a comparative survey of historical and contemporary slavery
The history of slavery raises many uncomfortable political and moral questions. Until relatively recently, legal enslavement was widely regarded as a natural and all but inescapable feature of human...
12,00 €

World atlas of gender equality in education
World atlas of gender equality in education
The global community has long been interested in finding ways to improve access to high quality education at all levels, from pre-primary through tertiary....
26,00 €