DL Services SPRL
Rue Vanderborght 24
1081 Brussels Belgium
The Bouba & Zaza Collection
The "Bouba & Zaza - Childhood Cultures" Collection, in partnership with Michel Lafon Publishing, tackles sensitive issues such as the environment, illiteracy, girls' education and AIDS to break taboos...
La politique de jeunesse en Belgique
Ce rapport fait partie d’une série d’analyses internationales des politiques nationales de jeunesse menées par le Conseil de l’Europe, en collaboration et en consultation avec les agences...
Children whose parents use drugs - Promising practices and recommendations
Parental drug use affects children at every stage of their lives, from before birth and well into their adult lives The aim of this report is to shed light on an invisible population: children and...
Global education monitoring report, 2023: technology in education: a tool on whose terms?
The 2023 GEM Report on Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? addresses the use of technology in education around the world through the lenses of relevance, equity, scalability and...
Listen to the silence of the child (Children and families affected by parental drug use – Volume III)
Children share their experiences and proposals on the impact of drug use in the family Following an initial publication in 2022 on children whose parents use drugs, the Pompidou Group has continued...
We are warriors (Children and families affected by parental drug use – Volume II)
Women who use drugs reflect on parental drug use, their paths of consumption and access to services After an initial publication on children whose parents use drugs in 2022, the Pompidou Group has...
Ce qui nous rend humain
On estime que près de 40 % des 7 000 langues parlées dans le monde aujourd'hui risquent de disparaître d'ici la fin du XXIe siècle. Ce livre d'images - magnifique et inspirant - est une énigme...
Art for Art's Sake? The Impact of Arts Education
Arts education is often said to be a means of developing critical and creative thinking. Arts education has also been argued to enhance performance in non-arts academic subjects such as mathematics,...
Artificial intelligence and education - A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
The aim of this book is to provide a holistic view to ensure that AI empowers educators and learners, not over-empowers them, and that future developments and practices are truly for the common good....
Bintou & Issa en Mauricio
En este segundo título de la serie de libros ilustrados Bintou e Issa, los gemelos, sus abuelos y sus mejores amigos visitan Mauricio siguiendo los pasos de sus lejanos antepasados, que trabajaron...
Bintou & Issa – on the island of Gorée
In this first title of the Bintou & Issa picture book series, the twins, their grandparents and closest friends visit the Island of Gorée off the coast of Senegal, opposite Dakar. Developed within...
Bouba and Zaza respect water
The Bouba and Zaza series “Childhood Cultures”, an intergenerational African series of children's books, freely examines serious subjects. Its stories are set in contemporary African society and...
Digital citizenship education handbook
Being online, well-being online, and rights online: information, tools and good practice Digital citizenship competences define how we act and interact online. They comprise the values, attitudes,...
EDUCATION ET CIVILISATIONS Genèse du monde contemporain
L'auteur, spécialiste d'éducation comparée, propose dans cet ouvrage une analyse mondiale de l'éducation dans ses dimensions intellectuelle, morale, affective, esthétique et physique. Dans une...
Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking - What it Means in School
Creativity and critical thinking are key skills for complex, globalised and increasingly digitalised economies and societies. While teachers and education policy makers consider creativity and...
Global Education Monitoring Report 2016 Education for people and planet: creating sustainable futures for all
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development At the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, member states adopted a new global development agenda,...
Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/18 - Accountability in education: meeting our commitments
There are today 264 million children and youth not going to school – this is a failure that we must tackle together, because education is a shared responsibility and progress can only be sustainable...
Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/22 Non-state actors in education (Who choose? Who loses?)
Non-state actors’ role extends beyond provision of schooling to interventions at various education levels and influence spheres. Alongside its review of progress towards SDG 4, including emerging...
Issues and trends in education for sustainable development
Issues and trends in Education for Sustainable Development is the fifth in UNESCO’s Education on the Move series, which reviews trends in education today and challenges for tomorrow. The series is...
Je compte avec Bouba et Zaza
La collection de livres Bouba et Zaza « Cultures d’enfances » est un programme de sensibilisation de la jeunesse africaine. Elle aborde des sujets graves et s’adresse aux enfants de trois à huit ans....
Le Long chemin de la paix: pour une culture de la prévention
Bâtir la paix est un processus continu. Depuis plus de 70 ans, la quête de la paix est au coeur du mandat du système des Nations Unies et constitue une force motrice majeure de toutes les actions...
Manual For developing Intercultural Competenties
Intercultural competence refers to the skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to improve interactions across difference, whether within a society or across borders. This book presents a structured...
Manuel d'éducation à la citoyenneté numérique
Être en ligne, bien-être en ligne, droits en ligne: information, outils et bonnes pratiques Notre manière d’agir et d’interagir en ligne varie selon nos compétences en citoyenneté numérique. Outre...
OECD Digital Education Outlook 2021- Pdf Version
Pushing the Frontiers with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Robots How might digital technology and notably smart technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI), learning analytics,...
Rapport Mondial sur le suivi de l'Education - 2020- Inclusion et 2ducation (Tous sans exception)
Faire de l’éducation un droit universel et une réalité pour tous est aujourd’hui plus crucial que jamais. Dans ce monde en mutation rapide qui est le nôtre, des défis majeurs ne cessent de se poser :...
Re | pensar las políticas para la creatividad: plantear la cultura como un bien público global
La cultura y la creatividad constituyen el 3,1 % del Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) mundial y el 6,2 % del total del empleo. El valor de las exportaciones de bienes y servicios culturales se ha...
Re | penser les politiques en faveur de la créativité – 2022 – La culture, un bien public mondial
La culture et la créativité représentent 3,1 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) mondial et 6,2 % du total des emplois. Les exportations de biens et services culturels ont doublé de valeur depuis 2005,...
Reimagining our Futures Together A new social contract for education
The interwoven futures of humanity and our planet are under threat. Urgent action, taken together, is needed to change course and reimagine our futures. Education, long acknowledged as a powerful...
Repenser nos futurs ensemble Un nouveau contrat social pour l’éducation
Devant la menace qui pèse sur les futurs communs de l’humanité et de la planète Terre, il est devenu urgent d’entreprendre une action commune pour changer de cap et repenser nos futurs. Reconnue de...
Replantear la educación: ¿Hacia un bien común mundial?
Los cambios del mundo actual se caracterizan por niveles nuevos de complejidad y contradicción. Estos cambios generan tensiones para las que la educación tiene que preparar a los individuos y las...
The Unesco Courier (2019_4): Teachers: Changing lives
To demonstrate a commitment that goes far beyond what is generally required by the profession, whether by choice or because the context demands it. This is why the teachers featured in this new issue...
Transformer le futur - L’anticipation au XXIe siècle
Rien ne garantit que les choix que nous faisons aujourd’hui créeront un avenir meilleur – mais nous pouvons mieux exploiter notre imagination pour saisir les possibilités du présent et concevoir des...
World Heritage for Sustainable Development in Africa / Le Patrimoine mondial pour un développement durable en Afrique
This new UNESCO publication examines World Heritage and sustainable development in Africa. It addresses not only the challenges of safeguarding World Heritage in the Africa region but also the process...
Writing peace
Writing. Writing a note, a speech or a love letter. Writing on a scrap of paper, writing on stone. Writing with the point of a pen or brush, or with a keyboard. Every time, writing is a special...
Youth Lens on the Silk Roads
This photo album, which gathers 74 photos, is the result of an International Photo Contest organized by the UNESCO Silk Roads Project in order to contribute to the International Decade for the...